Big Data Hadoop

This blog post we are going to learn commands to fetch files from HDFS to Local System

Lets go through this video to understand the whole process


Commands for fetching a file in HDFS

HDFS to Local  
hadoop fs -get /user/asterix/log.txt /home/ubuntu/data Copies file from HDFS to local system, in this instance file log.txt in HDFS is copied to /home/ubuntu/data local linux folder
hadoop fs -get -p /user/asterix/log.txt /home/ubuntu/data Copies file from HDFS to local system, in this instance file log.txt in HDFS is copied to /home/ubuntu/data local linux folder -p preserves access and modification times, ownership and the mode.
hadoop fs -get /user/asterix/*.csv /home/ubuntu/data Copies all the matching files from HDFS to local, in this instance all the csv files will be copied from HDFS folder to linux local system


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