Aug 10, 2016
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Aug 10, 2016
Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know the news.
-JSP expression automatically print out whatever is being sent between the tags.
-Expressions are evaluated and output is sent to the browser.
-Expressions are later resolved and consumed by HTML itself.
<%= expression %>[Anything which comes on right hand side int i=1;
int z=x+y;
Date dt =new Date();
NO semi-colon at the end.
Ease of using Expressions.
Without expression:
<%@ page import="java.util.* %>
Date: <% out.println(new Date());%>
With expression:
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
Today's Date:<%=new Date() %>
-Whenever container encounters expression, Container takes everything typed between the <%= %> and put it as an argument in out.println() <%= new Date() %>Becomes
out.println(new Date());
Tip for Students:
You people always by mistake put up a semi-colon at the end which result in
<%= new Date(); %>
out.println(new Date(););
Which becomes error then.
Hence,No semi-colon(;) at the end of Expression.
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ include file="Header.html" %>
<Hello User!!!Welcome to the world of JSP !!
Current Date : <%= new Date() % >
<%@ include file="Footer.html" %>