
Explanation of GoldUser Class Code :

1) GoldUser Class: This class represents a special type of user, a "Gold" user.
2) Inheritance: The class GoldUser extends another class called User. This means that GoldUser inherits all the properties and methods of the User class.
3) pay() Method: This method defines how a Gold user pays. In simple terms, it's like saying "When a Gold user pays, they do this action."
4) receive() Method: Similarly, this method defines how a Gold user receives something. It's like saying "When a Gold user receives, they do this action."

public class GoldUser extends User{

    public  void pay(){
        System.out.println("Pay method of GoldUser");

    public  void recieve(){
        System.out.println("Recieve method of GoldUser");
Conclusion: The GoldUser class specifies how a user with gold status behaves when it pays or receives something. It demonstrates the concept of specialization in object-oriented programming, where certain types of users can have unique behaviors while still sharing common functionalities inherited from a base class.
Explanation of Main Class And Main Method
1) Main Class and Method: Entry point with main() where execution starts.
2) Creating GoldUser Instance: Utilizing polymorphism, a GoldUser object is assigned to 'u', declared as a User.
3) Calling Methods on GoldUser: Invoking receive() and pay() methods on 'u', executing GoldUser implementations.
4) Creating SilverUser Instance: A SilverUser object is assigned to 'u1', also declared as a User.
5) Calling Methods on SilverUser: Invoking receive() and pay() on 'u1', executing SilverUser implementations.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        User u=new GoldUser();

        User u1=new SilverUser();

Through this code example, we've demonstrated how polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated interchangeably when they share a common superclass. This flexibility enables developers to write more modular and extensible code, as it promotes reuse of methods and facilitates dynamic behavior based on the actual type of the object at runtime.
Explanation of SilverUser Class 
1) public class SilverUser extends User{: Declares a new class named SilverUser, extending the User class.
2) public void pay(){: Defines a public method named pay() without a return value.
3) System.out.println("Pay method of Silver user");: Prints a message indicating the execution of the pay() method specific to SilverUser.
4) public void receive(){: Defines a public method named receive() without a return value.
5) System.out.println("Receive method of Silver User");: Prints a message indicating the execution of the receive() method specific to SilverUser.

public class SilverUser extends User{
    public  void pay(){
        System.out.println("Pay method of Silver user");

    public  void recieve(){
        System.out.println("Recieve method of Silver User");
In summary, the provided code defines a subclass named SilverUser that extends the User class. It overrides the pay() and receive() methods inherited from the User class to provide customized functionality for instances of the SilverUser class.
Explanation of UserClass
1) public abstract class User {: Declares a public abstract class named User.
2) public abstract void pay();: Declares an abstract method named pay() without a body.
3) public abstract void receive();: Declares another abstract method named receive() without a body.
4) public void displayDetails(){: Declares a non-abstract method named displayDetails() with a body.
5) System.out.println("Details of User");: Outputs a string "Details of User" to the standard output.

public abstract class User {
    public abstract void pay();

    public abstract void recieve();

    public void displayDetails(){
        System.out.println("Details of User");
In this code snippet, we've defined an abstract class User with two abstract methods, pay() and receive(), representing actions related to payment and receiving. Additionally, the class includes a non-abstract method, displayDetails(), which provides a default implementation for displaying user details. This design allows for flexibility and extensibility, as concrete subclasses can implement specific behaviors for payment and receiving while still inheriting the common functionality provided by the User class.

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